Processing of personal data

The Danish Ministry of Defence processes for instance personal data when citizens approach the ministry with questions or opinions.

The processing of personal data is effected in compliance with the Data Protection Rules and the Data Protection Act.


The legal basis for processing personal data for the purpose of processing your questions or opinions is found in the General Data Protection Regulation article 6, (1) e and article 9, (2) b and f-g.

The legal basis for processing personal data for the purpose of sending you a newsletter is found in the General Data Protection Regulation article 6 (1) a.


Disclosure of personal data

The data may be shared with other authorities within the field of the Ministry of Defence who handle specialized functions, such as recruiting, financial accounting and property management.


Moreover, the data may be processed in IT systems being jointly applied by several different authorities within the field of the Ministry of Defence and whereby there is a common data responsibility between the authorities.


Your rights

Regarding the processing of personal data by the Ministry of Defence you have the right to:

  • Request insight of data being processed on you
  • Request to have incorrect data on yourself rectified or to have incompleted personal data completed.
  • In special cases request to have data on you erased.
  • In some cases request a limitation of the processing of your personal data.
  • In some cases make objection against the legal processing of your personal data by the ministry.
  • Complain to the Danish Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet) about the processing of your data.

You can read more about your rights in the Danish Data Protection Agency’s guidelines on the rights of registered persons which you will find on

Requests on insight, rectification, erasure, restricted processing or objection are to be sent to the Ministry of Defence (find our contact info here).

Complaints to the Danish Data Protection Agency are to be sent to (find contact info here).

The data protection adviser with the Ministry of Defence

The Ministry of Defence has appointed a data protection adviser who is an expert within the regulations on personal data processing. The task of the data protection adviser is among other things to advise, train and to monitor the compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation at the Danish Ministry of Defence.


The data protection adviser can advise you further regarding the regulations on data protection. The data protection adviser can also guide you on your rights with respect to the processing of personal data by the Ministry of Defence and whom to contact if you want to make use of your rights.

The data protection adviser with the Ministry of defence may be contacted at e-mail

Website cookies 

In order to further develop and improve the website, we keep statistics on how users use our website. This means that we collect information via cookies. We only collect the statistics in summarized form, for example to see which pages our users see the most. The information collected does not allow individual users to be identified. Data is not passed on to third parties.
Read more about our cookies

Handling e-mails

When you send an e-mail to the Ministry of Defence on, it is forwarded to a central mailbox of the Ministry of Defence. Upon reception of an e-mail in the central mailbox, the e-mail is registered and sent on to the relevant department.


After this, we handle your request as soon as possible. We only use your personal information with the purpose of processing your questions or opinion and replying to your e-mail.

Last updated January 18, 2023 - 12:32

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