Important steps towards a stronger Nordic defence corporation during the Danish chairmanship
The defence ministers from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden and the minister for foreign affairs of Iceland met to discuss the situation in the Arctic, the Nordic defence coorporation and to sign agreements concerning security of supply and export control.

Screenshots taken from the Ministers meeting on the secure digital platform.
The Nordic defence cooperation, NORDEFCO, has been further strengthened during the Danish chairmanship in 2020.
As a clear indication the NORDEFCO crisis consultation mechanism which allows the ministers to quickly communicate on a secure digital platform, has been activated numerous times during the Danish chairmanship e.g. in regards to the COVID-19 crisis and the missile attack on Al-Asad base in January.
Danish Defence Minister Trine Bramsen states:
The missile attack on Al-Asad base in January and the current corona-situation have led to a much closer cooperation. All in less than a year. The Nordic defence cooperation, however, focuses on much more than crisis and conflict. We also work closely together on issues such as green defence, cyber security and the Arctic.
Particularly the security development in the Arctic formed the main theme during the meeting.
The ministers also signed two agreements on security of supply and export control. Particularly the COVID-19 crisis has increased the need for at strengthened cooperation on supply security between the Nordic countries.
Read opinion from Trine Bramsen on NORDEFCO here (in Danish)