Movie: Denmark in Afghanistan
Since 2001, Denmark has contributed to the international effort for creating security and stability in Afghanistan. It is a demanding and very challenging effort, and the results of the effort are often overshadowed by tragic events leading to both dead and injured Danish soldiers. But the work for security and reconstruction continues.
‘Denmark in Afghanistan’ is a documentary about the broad Danish effort in Afghanistan, where the tools are both military and civilian. The movie illustrates some of the results, but also some of the challenges and costs, which the effort in Afghanistan implies.
With small narratives from the areas around the cities of Herat and Kabul, and in the Helmand province, the movie shows examples of the activities that are being carried out to create stability and development. Soldiers of the international ISAF force work to create security and to educate Afghan security forces. At the same time, civilian advisers assist in the establishment of an Afghan state apparatus and the infrastructure which is an indispensible foundation for the country to get to function and thereby provide fundamental support for its population.
The documentary shows, among other things, how micro loans help support private initiatives, and how the local police, with a better education to back them up, are a part of the effort to win the trust of the Afghan people in a country, which is also marred by considerable corruption.
In addition to this, the viewer is invited into schools and health clinics, and we hear about the work to improve women’s rights.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defence have cooperated in the making of ‘Denmark in Afghanistan’. It is produced at the Defence Media Centre in the fall of 2010.