Unanimous parliament puts Denmark in head of Libya operation
This entails a leading role for Denmark in an international maritime operation, which will transport the remainder of Libya’s chemical weapons programme safely out of the country.
“We will undertake a leading role in an important operation to remove the remainder of Libya’s chemical stockpile, which otherwise risks falling into the wrong hands. It is an important task and it is highly appreciated by our international partners. And once again it shows how Denmark is a credible partner, who takes responsibility for international peace and stability”, Minister of Foreign Affairs Kristian Jensen says.
“The Danish maritime contribution will shortly be ready to commence the operation in coordination with the OPCW and allied partner countries. The Danish Defence has very good experience from a similar operation in Syria in 2013-14. I am therefore very pleased that the Danish Defence’s skills are yet again demanded by the UN and the OPCW”, Minister of Defence Peter Christensen says.
The Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), Ambassador Ahmet Üzümcü, commended the Danish Parliament's decision and stated, “Denmark’s leadership is both welcome and crucial as it will help Libya fulfil its responsibilities under the Chemical Weapons Convention to destroy these remaining chemicals".