Cyber Security
Denmark rearms in the fight against digital threats.
The Minister
The Department
The Ministry (MoD)
Agreements and Economy
Cyber Security
International cooperation
National tasks
Denmark rearms in the fight against digital threats.
We use cookies to collect statistics and display feeds from social media. Below you can read about the different cookies. You can click Only necessary, or choose which ones you want to accept. You can change your consent at any time by clicking on the small cookie icon on the left side.
Read more about cookiesNecessary (show details)
Systemcookies | Systemcookies
Internal statistics (show details)
Third-party (show details)
Twitter | Google
There are some cookies that are necessary for the website's system to work. If you want to completely exclude the possibility of cookies being set, you must therefore turn off cookies in your browser.
Name: necessaryCookie and cookiebanner
Provider: Systemcookies
NecessaryCookie is set to indicate acceptance of necessary cookies.
Cookiebanner is set to save the cookie settings.
Expiration: 30 days
Privacy policy: Cookies
Name: ASP.Net_SessionId og volumeControl_volumeValue
Provider: Systemcookies
ASP.Net_SessionId is a cookie which is used to identify the user's session on the web server. The session is an area on the server that can be used to store session state between http requests.
volumeControl_volumeValue is a cookie that is necessary when playing video clips. Publisher: Kaltura
Expiration: End of session
Privacy policy: Cookies
Siteimprove web analytics program collects a general visitor statistics on our website. We have turned on IP anonymization. This means that your IP address is deleted immediately after it is read. Your IP address can thus neither be traced nor recreated in our system. The statistics are used exclusively in summarized form, eg to see how many visitors we have and which pages are most visited.
Name: nmstat and AWSALBCORS
Provider: Siteimprove
These cookies are only used during the current visit. Only non-personal information is collected about which subpages are visited. The purpose is to track how many visitors we have and which pages are most visited.
Expiration: Up to 1,000 days, but often shorter depending on the browser
Privacy policy: Siteimprove privacy policy
We use the share function for social media and embedded feeds, but you must be aware that you are technically leaving and are covered by the social media data policy when you click on such a function. Feeds and card elements are only displayed to users who accept cookies from third parties.
Name: Twitter
Provider: Twitter
The purpose is to display our twitter feed on the website.
Expiration: 30 days
Privacy policy: Twitter privacy policy
Name: Google
Provider: Google
The purpose is to be able to use Google Maps for map viewing.
Expiration: 30 days
Privacy policy: Google privacy policy