Centre for Cyber Security
The Centre's mission is to advise Danish public authorities and private companies that support vital societal functions on how to prevent, counter and protect against cyberattacks.

Centre for Cyber Security.
The cyber threat against Denmark is real. In a digitized age, the trust in both public authorities and private actors depends on a high level of cyber and information security. The Centre's mission is to advise Danish public authorities and private companies that support vital societal functions on how to prevent, counter and protect against cyberattacks.
What is Centre for Cyber Security?
CFCS was established in 2012 as part of The Danish Security and Intelligence Service (DDIS) to enhance the protection of Denmark against cyberattacks. As part of the DDIS, the Centre has access to the special intelligence-based knowledge about cyber issues available to the DDIS while the attachment also creates a number of synergies.
CFCS is responsible of a long list of tasks meant to make Denmark more secure. The tasks involve guidance and advising of Danish public authorities and businesses, while at the same time strengthening the cyber security and countering cyberattacks against Denmark.
CFCS is the national regulatory authority on information security and preparedness in the telecommunications sector, which means that the Centre contributes to the drafting of regulations on this issue and conducts regular supervision to ensure that the telecommunications providers comply with the regulatory demands.
The Cyber Situation Centre
As part of the defence agreement 2018-2023 and the former National Cyber and Information Security Strategy from 2018-2021, CFCS has launched the Danish Cyber Situation Centre. The purpose of the Cyber Situation Centre is to maintain a 24/7 overview of the national cyber situation. The situational overview is supposed to give an understanding of the actual cyber threats against Denmark based on the knowledge of CFCS and its partners both nationally and internationally.
The Cyber Situation Centre is part of the Network Security Service whose main purpose is to prevent, resist, and handle cyberattacks based on data from CFCS’ sensor network, intelligence-based knowledge, or direct contact with private companies or public authorities affected by cyber incidents.
Finally, the Cyber Situation Centre can send out warnings and recommendations related to specific cyberattacks, actual cyber threats or other it-security incidents, which may be of interest and relevance for public authorities, businesses, or others.
Countering and preventing cyber attacks
The Centre's Network Security Service regularly analyses internet traffic to/from the authorities and companies connected to the Network Security Service to detect signs of intrusion. When the Network Security Service detects a possible attack against a connected organisation, the Centre's technicians conduct advanced analysis to quickly determine the nature of the threat. In case of a cyberattack, the Centre will directly inform the targeted organization, and if necessary, give advice on how to resist the attack.
The Network Security Service focuses on the most advanced attacks, mostly performed by state backed actors or significant cyberattacks. The Network Security Service’s work is exclusively defensive in order to protect Denmark against cyber threats.
The prevention of cyberattacks is managed broadly by CFCS in cooperation with other authorities and businesses. The preventive measures includes a focus on increased awareness on it security among authorities, private companies and citizens, a warning system to discover cyber threats, and advise on good IT security.
CFCS as the national it security authority
CFCS is the national it security authority, Network Security Service and Centre of Excellence within cyber security. This means that the Centre takes care of a number of tasks related to prevention and of remedial character to strengthen Danish it security. Besides counselling and providing guidance, the Centre has a systematic dialog with public authorities, organized stakeholders, and larger companies within critical sectors.
As the national it security authority, CFCS is responsible for approving and supervising electronic information systems and installations that process classified information. CFCS is also the it security authority in regards to Denmark’s relation to EU and NATO.
Telecommunications security
CFCS is the national regulatory authority on information security and preparedness in the telecommunications sector. This means that the Centre contributes to the drafting of regulations on this issue and conducts regular supervision to ensure that the telecommunications providers comply with the regulatory demands.
Telecommunications security is regulated in the law on net and information security (NIS-directive). Telecommunications security is critical national infrastructure and the area is becoming increasingly important, especially with the coming 5G technology.
Contact Centre for Cyber Security