naturen i og omkring Oksbøl øvelsesterræn

The nature around Oksbøl training ground. Photo: Henrik Kastenskov.

The MoD is one of Denmark’s largest governmental workplaces with more than 20.000 employees and establishments all over the country. The wide range of tasks both in Denmark and abroad requires many resources, affects the environment, and causes greenhouse gas emissions.


In the process of delivering on our green ambitions, we have to find ways that do not compromise our operative tasks and our ability to conduct operations. The green efforts should support, and not limit, our operational effectiveness.


The Green Action Plan 2021-2025

The Green Action Plan sets an ambitious, green direction for the MoD with 46 individual short and long-term initiatives within seven focus areas. The initiatives cover areas such as our built estate, land and nature management, capacities and activities as well as ways of conducting our tasks. We look into how we can be more energy efficient, but also how we can use innovative solutions such as sustainable fuels and virtual reality to reduce our climate impact in the future.


In general, we are open to new ideas and innovative thinking. New climate technologies mean new possibilities. The action plan will be reviewed annually as we find and develop new and better ways to fulfil our green ambitions.   


The seven focus areas are:

  • Nature
  • Energy consumption
  • Air pollution
  • Soil and groundwater
  • Wastewater and surface water
  • Resource consumption and waste production
  • Noise and vibration


You can download our Green Action Plan 2021-2025 here


Since 2012 The MoD has published annual climate evaluations. The evaluation presents the total emissions of the MoD.


You can download our Carbon Account 2020 here


The Danish Climate Partnership

The Climate Partnership on Defence between the Government and the Danish defence industry was launched in the spring of 2021.


The aim was to pave a way for a greener defence with particular focus on retaining or strengthening the ability to operate, create new green defence solutions, and boost export opportunities.


The partnership publicized its recommendations in May 2022.


You can download a summary of The Danish Climate Partnership on Defence’s recommendations here.


International engagement on climate and defence

The Danish Ministry of Defence actively promotes the green agenda internationally and shares knowledge and best-practices on climate and defence with countries and organisations in the Nordic region, Europe and globally.


For instance, the MoD has worked with NATO to develop a mapping methodology for green house gas emission of NATO and allied countries. The methodology is based on the Danish Climate Account methodology.


Climate change is a severe global challenge with adverse security policy consequences and consequences for emergency management. It is therefore important to prepare the Danish Defence and Danish emergency management services for the potential impact of climate change.


As part of the implementation of the EU’s Strategic Compas from 2022 – which is the strategic frame for the development of the EU’s security- and defence cooperation – all of the EU’s member states have been commissioned by the European External Action Service to develop a national policy for preparing the armed forces for climate change.


The Ministry of Defence has on that background developed a policy for the adaptation of the Danish Defence to climate change. The policy describes ongoing efforts within five concrete focus areas.


Preparing Danish Defence for climate change — Policy by The Danish Ministry of Defence

Last updated July 8, 2024 - 10:18