Climate and environment
The Danish Ministry of Defences efforts on climate and environment aim at limiting pollution and contribute to the government’s commitment to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, it is necessary that the Danish Defence and Emergency Management adapt to climate change.

The nature around Oksbøl training ground. Photo: Henrik Kastenskov.
The MoD is one of Denmark’s largest governmental workplaces with more than 20.000 employees and establishments all over the country. The wide range of tasks both in Denmark and abroad requires many resources, affects the environment, and causes greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, the climate change affects the international security and stability and leads to new operations conditions.
The Danish Ministry of Defences Green efforts
The Danish MoD contributes to the society’s ongoing green transition. As an example, we look into the energy efficiency of our buildings and set green demands when possible.
In addition, the development of new climate and energy technologies have the potential of creating operational gains and enable the defence to be less dependent on fossil fuels.
Reducing the climate footprint is therefore an ongoing work across the entire MoD. Common for the green efforts are that it needs to go hand in hand with our operative needs.
While a large part of the MoD’s work on the green transition takes place as part of the regular operations and maintenance, some of the efforts are also described in the MoD’s Green Action Plan 2021-2025.
Here you can download The Green Action Plan 2021-2025 here (under update)
The MoD also publish annual Carbon Accounts, which presents the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of the MoD.
Here you can download our Carbon Account 2020 (in English) and Our Carbon Account 2023 (in Danish)
International engagement on climate and defence
Climate change is a severe global challenge, which affects international security and stability. Therefore, it is on the agenda in both EU and NATO.
As part of the implementation of the EU’s Strategic Compass from 2022, which is the strategic frame for the development of the EU’s security- and defence cooperation, all EU’s member states have developed a national policy for preparing the armed forces for climate change. This also applies to The Danish MoD.
Here you can download Preparing Danish Defence for climate change — Policy by The Danish Ministry of Defence
In 2021, NATO launched a Climate Change and Security Action Plan with focus on how the armed forces can mitigate and adapt to climate change. In line with this, Canada has taken the initiative to create a NATO Climate Change and Security Centre of Excellence in Montreal.
From medio 2024, a Danish advisor will be associated to the center.
The Danish Climate Partnership on Defence
The Climate Partnership on Defence between the Government and the Danish Defence industry was launched in spring 2021.
The Climate Partnership has looked into which new green solutions are under development and can contribute to a greener Defence.
The partnership publicized its recommendations in May 2022.
Here you can download a Summary of The Danish Climate Partnership on Defence’s recommendations.