NATO - The Cornerstone of Danish Security.

Denmark and NATO flags.
For Denmark NATO is the central forum for Foreign, Security and Defence Policy dialogue and cooperation across the Atlantic. All decisions in NATO are made according to the “Consensus-principle”. Furthermore, NATO has an ongoing dialogue with a number of partners, including Ukraine, Georgia, countries in Northern Africa, the Middle East and the Gulf-region.
Since 1949, NATO has been the cornerstone of Danish Security and Defence Policy. NATO directly guarantees the security and independence of Denmark. Organisations such as NATO, UN, EU and OSCE has been the central framework through which Denmark has safeguarded security political interests and promoted peace, security and respect for human rights.
Denmark’s security is deeply rooted in NATO
NATO is the cornerstone in Danish Defence and Security policy. With the Defence agreement from January 2018 Denmark replies to the security policy situation which we are facing. The focus is an increasing defence budget and investments in capacities being in demand in NATO. Furthermore, it was decided in 2022 to increase defence spending to reach 2% of GDP by 2033.
The security policy situation is the most serious since the fall of the Berlin Wall. In many ways the world has become more unpredictable:
- Russia has clearly demonstrated will to use military force in order to pursue its political goals.
- Information campaigns have become a weapon per se.
- The instability in North Africa and the Middle East still adds fuel to terrorism.
- The irregular migration flows are a serious threat.
- Attacks in cyberspace have increasingly severe security and economic consequences.
The adaptation to the changed situation starts from NATO. It is in Denmark’s interest to contribute to NATO, including the collective deterrence and defence provided by the Alliance.
Together with NATO, Denmark needs to strengthen the collective defence and the collective deterrence. Therefore, by the defence agreement Denmark wants i.a. to:
- Place a effective brigade consisting of up till 4,000 soldiers in an independent unit.
- Fit the Royal Danish Navy’s frigates with short-range and, eventually, long-range air defence missiles.
- Improve the ability to combat threats from submarines.
- Strengthen the ability of the Danish Defence, the Home Guard and the reserves to mobilize whereas they have a special focus on protecting infrastructure and delivering host support to other NATO forces in Denmark.
As well as improve the national cyber defence. One of our biggest challenges is situated in the Danish neighborhood. Denmark cannot ignore Russia’s aggression, military rearmament and impact campaigns. Especially not when it takes place in the Danish ‘back yard’ which means in the Baltic region. This does not mean a direct military threat to Denmark. However, security requires firmness. This applies both to Denmark and not the least to the Baltic States.
Denmark is an active and engaged NATO ally and contributes to NATO’s deterrence efforts and reaffirmation initiatives in the Baltic Sea and the Baltic States, among other things in the form of substantial military contributions to NATO’s advanced presence in the Baltic States.