[Oprindeligt publiceret af Forsvarsministeriet]

Italien takker mange gange for det danske tilbud om bistand fra Forsvaret, men oplyser til Forsvarsministeriet, at den sundhedsmæssige situationen i Italien nu er i så klar bedring, at der pt. ikke er behov for yderligere hjælp. Hvis situationen igen skulle forværres, vil Italien evt. kontakte Danmark på ny.

Herunder er svaret fra Italien, der er tilsendt fra Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Dipartimento della Protezione Civile:

Sorry for my late reply.

Regarding the kind offer from the Government of Denmark, as I anticipated in our phone conversation, since the health situation in the most affected areas of Italy and the lowering pressure on our Health System thanks also to the support of doctors and nurses coming from less affected Regions and the much appreciated support provided by several foreign emergency medical teams, for the time being we do not need additional medical teams or mobile hospitals. Should the situation change in the coming weeks we will update again the request.

Thank you for the support,

Best regards,