F-16 Fighting Falcon på stribe over Island.

F16. Foto: Forsvarsgalleriet.

Danmark og Nederlandene vil donere F16-fly til Ukraine. Kampflyene har længe været efterspurgt af Ukraine og skal bl.a. bidrage til, at Ukraine kan forsvare sit luftrum mod Ruslands ulovlige aggression.

Danmark vil arbejde for, at andre lande tilslutter sig koalitionen og bidrager til den ukrainske frihedskamp.


”Det gør mig stolt, at Danmark sammen med Nederlandene vil donere F16-kampfly til Ukraines frihedskamp mod Rusland og deres meningsløse aggression. Danmarks støtte til Ukraine er urokkelig, og med donationen af F16-fly går Danmark nu forrest,” siger forsvarsminister Jakob Ellemann-Jensen.


Danmark har sammen med Nederlandene stået i spidsen for etableringen af den internationale træningskoalition på F16-kampfly. Koalitionen blev annonceret på NATO-topmødet i Vilnius sammen med ni andre allierede og skal sikre træning af det ukrainske luftvåben i anvendelsen af bl.a. F16-kampfly.

Statement - Donation of F16


In light of Russia’s brutal and unprovoked aggression, Denmark and the Netherlands, supported by the US, share the conviction that continued support to Ukraine is of utmost importance.


Taking note of the establishment of the joint coalition on F16-training, we agree that the natural next step will be the transfer of F-16 fighter aircrafts. Donation of aircrafts will be vital for efforts related to ensuring Ukraine a fully functional F-16 capability.


We agree to transfer F-16 aircrafts to Ukraine and the Ukrainian Air Force in close cooperation with the U.S. and other partners, when the conditions for such a transfer are met. Conditions include, but are not limited to, successfully selected, tested and trained Ukrainian F-16 personnel as well as necessary authorizations, infrastructure and logistics.


In parallel with these efforts, we aim to broaden our coalition and we invite other interested nations to participate.


We remain strongly committed to Ukraine’s fight for freedom and territorial integrity.