Forsvarsminister Troels Lund Poulsen og hans norske kollega, Bjørn Arild Gram, besøger Skrydstrup

Foto: Forsvarsministeriet.

Det danske forsvar har Leopard 2 kampvogne, F-35 kampfly og SEAHAWK-helikoptere. Det samme har det norske forsvar. Og det er en fordel, når de to lande nu styrker samarbejdet om blandt andet fælles træning og øvelser. 

Det har forsvarsminister, Troels Lund Poulsen, og han norske kollega, Bjørn Arild Gram, skrevet under på i dag i en erklæring, der også har til hensigt at styrke samarbejdet omkring overvågning af den arktiske og nordatlantiske region, erfaringer med ligestilling i Forsvaret samt fortsat støtte til Ukraine. 

"Jeg er glad for, at Danmark og Norge nu rykkere vores forsvar tættere sammen og styrker samarbejdet. Med krig i Europa er det nødvendigt, at vi har et godt og tæt samarbejde med vores nordiske naboer og allierede. Vi har allerede styrket det dansk-norske forsvarssamarbejde de seneste år til stor gavn for begge lande. Nu tager vi det et skridt videre," siger forsvarsminister Troels Lund Poulsen. 

Danmark og Norge har i forvejen et tæt samarbejde på forsvarsområdet. Det oplevede de to forsvarsministre eksempler på i dag, hvor de besøgte det danske flyvevåben i henholdsvis Skrydstrup og Karup. 

Norske besætningsmedlemmer og flymekanikere har siden sidste sommer trænet på Flyvestation Karup på de danske SEAHAWK-helikoptere, mens Norge venter på at få indfaset nye helikoptere. På den måde vedligeholdes de norske kompetencer, samtidig med, at Danmark får mulighed for drage nytte af det norske forsvars ekspertise. 

På Fighter Wing Skrydstrup har Norge stillet to F-16 kampfly til rådighed for træningen af ukrainske jagerpiloter, som de to nordiske forsvarsministre også hilste på i dag. Danmark og Norge har løbende samarbejdet om donationer til Ukraine.


Letter of intent

Letter of intent between Denmark and Norway on enhanced defence cooperation

Denmark and Norway will enhance defence cooperation across certain areas in light of the concerning security situation in Europe. Our close cooperation is furthermore a reiteration of the strong band between Denmark and Norway, as neighbours and founding members of NATO. Enhancing the bilateral defence cooperation will strengthen deterrence and defence in our region. The cooperation will remain within the framework of NATO, EU, Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) and Nordic Defence Cooperation (NORDEFCO), and will be supported by regular bilateral consultations.


Bilaterally, Norway and Denmark commit to enhance defence cooperation in general and initially with a special focus on the following key areas:


Support to Ukraine. Denmark and Norway share serious concerns over Russia's war in Ukraine. Denmark and Norway will continuously support Ukraine's efforts in areas of assistance, including funding, donations of military equipment, training and political backing. Denmark and Norway will continue the training of Ukrainian F-16 pilots in the Air Force Capability Coalition and furthermore support the building up of Ukrainian Air Defence assets. Denmark and Norway explore supporting the Ukrainian defence industry. Denmark and Norway will continue to examine joint efforts to assist Ukraine either bilaterally or together with partners.


Gender-neutral conscription and HR-related matters. Norway has established gender-neutral conscription since 2014. Denmark will establish gender-neutral conscription from 2027. Denmark and Norway will share experiences as well as lessons learned. Denmark and Norway will exchange challenges and perspectives on the retention of military personnel, gender-neutral, and other HR-related matters especially concerning Armed Forces' personnel.


Capabilities, joint training and exercises. Denmark and Norway will continue to deepen cooperation within the area of military training and exercise in all branches. Denmark and Norway operate similar military capabilities and platforms such as Leopard 2 main battle tanks, F-35 fighter jets, Navy helicopters such as the SEAHAWK, while participating in the Air Force Capability Coalition (F-16) training of Ukrainian F- 16 pilots. Norway has since 2023 deployed military personnel to Denmark for training purposes.


Maritime cooperation. Denmark and Norway will continue to enhance maritime cooperation and coordination, not least in areas of joint interest such as the North Atlantic and the Arctic region. Denmark and Norway will investigate options for further cooperation and interoperability on maritime capabilities.


Increase surface-based air and missile defence in our region. Denmark and Norway are important transit countries in the Nordic area, when receiving allied reinforcement and support. Thus, Denmark and Norway will further investigate avenues of cooperation on surface-based air and missile defence development. This effort is not reliant on the two countries choosing the same weapon system.


Enhanced surveillance in areas of common interest. Denmark and Norway will look into ways of cooperation on enhanced situational awareness in areas of common interest, including in the North Atlantic and the Arctic region.


Cooperation in the North Atlantic and Arctic region will in relevant areas be coordinated with the Faroe Islands and Greenland.


This letter of Intent does not constitute a legally binding commitment under international or national law. Commitments are subject to national procedures and decisions. This letter of Intent is signed in two original copies to be kept by the Participants, which will transmit certified copies to each of th ther Participants.


Bjørn Arild Gram
Minister of Defence Norway

Troels Lund Poulsen
Minister of Defence Danmark