Hovedopgaven for de 35 danske soldater i Kosovo Force (KFOR) er bevogtning af Camp Marechal De Lattre de Tassigny ved Novo Selo. Adgangskontrol, search af biler ved indgangen til lejren.

Access control, search of cars at the entrance to the camp. Photographer: Lærke Weensgaard.

NATO established Kosovo Force – KFOR – in 1999

Denmark has been a part of KFOR from the very beginning. Since 1999 more than 10.000 Danish soldiers have served in KFOR.


The Danish contribution
The Danish contribution consists of 29 troops guarding the French Camp Novo Selo and six staff officers at KFOR Headquarters in Pristina.


KFOR was established on the basis of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244. The Danish Parliament decided the deployment of the Danish contribution to KFOR on 16 June 1999.


NATO, France.

  • Place

  • Operation strength

  • Period of time

    Fra 1999
  • Current
